2 min read
28 Jul

 There have been many books written about leadership and leadership models.  When we break down all the psychological stuff and get to the very basics, we see two types of leadership with the servant leader as a third alternative.  The first, is leadership based upon reward.  If you do what is right or do a good job, you will be rewarded.  On the job this can mean a promotion with more money and prestige.  Some people think that living a good life will give the reward of everlasting life in heaven, which is not true because heaven is given as a free gift of grace.  The second type of leadership is the threat of loss, on a job you can lose your job or be demoted and suffer a loss of money and prestige.  In society there are a number of ways in which you can be rewarded for doing good or suffer loss for not doing good.  Leaders in these two models are constantly either holding out the promise of reward or the threat of loss.  There are many times where the leader will promise a reward but not deliver, because the leader is dishonest.  The Servant Leader model does include reward and loss but the servant leader is honest and will use his service and humble attitude to lead by example.  People will find reward in the service that is rendered to them but will only suffer loss when they refuse that service.  Soon, a large percentage of those being led, seek to follow that example and lead others in the same manner.  The keys to the servant leader model are that these men are gifted and led by the Holy Spirit, this is the key difference between them as leaders and what we find in the other models.  Next, they lead by serving which includes at least two features: 1.  They work from the feet up, so they are always pushing others up through encouragement and exhortation.  2.  They lead by example, they do not tell others to do something that they do not already do and have set an example of how it is to be done.  The servant leader does not seek honor or aggrandizement for himself but to serve and lift others up to a higher place for their benefit.  When people realize that they are being served, taught, loved and led to their benefit, they will follow.  This is a model that works in every area of society and particularly in the community of the church.  As the pastor and elders lead as servants, the rest of the congregation will seek to follow their example and the church will become one where every member is seeking how they might serve others and help them to become what the Holy Spirit intends for them.  “…but through love serve one another.” (Galatians 5:13).  Let us take further note on the servant leader model in the Church.  Often times, there is a concern expressed about a church having one group of men (elders) making all the decisions for the church.  This concern is based upon what is known about the nature of man rather than what is known about what the Bible teaches.  It is also a result of those in this country who have come to believe that a pure democracy is the best form of government.  The Bible teaches that when a person places their trust in the Lord Jesus they become a new person in Christ, they have been born again.  At that moment the Holy Spirit enters into that person with a gift or gifts.  Among those gifts is the gift of leadership which will follow the servant leader model for leadership.  Our Lord taught this model by His example and especially in John 13 where He washed His disciples’ feet.  After doing this He said, “You call me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am, If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.” (Jn. 13:14).  Even before that our Lord had stated, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45).  The Apostle Paul followed this up by stating, “Imitate me, just I also imitate Christ.” (I Corinthians 11:1).    The Servant Leader Model is one of love for the Lord and for His people directed by the Holy Spirit. In every area of society it is by far the best model of leadership as it works the best.

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