2 min read
15 Aug

            Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1848 and a three-volume work, Das Kapital 1867–1894.  Along with many other writings, he was able to advance what is known as Marxism, with the help of others such as Friedrich Engels.  Marxism is a philosophy which encompasses subjects such as government, politics and economics and is based upon class distinctions between the common man and the ruling class.  Marxism will inevitably lead to socialism, which will lead to communism, all in accordance with the Hegel dialectic, which is that there is a thesis, then an antithesis followed by a synthesis which becomes the new thesis.  In this manner, capitalism will give way to socialism which will give way to communism which will become utopia.  This is basically philosophical evolution.  The obvious problem is that utopia has yet to arrive.              Another movement of significance in our day is that of Secular Humanism.  It had its beginnings as early as 1933 with the signing of the Humanist Manifesto 1, but became official with the American Humanist Association which was framed in 1941.  Forty years after the first manifesto, another manifesto was written Humanist Manifest II.  There are many variations of humanism but over-all it is atheistic where the human is his own god and the one who determines his/her own reality and truth.  The decade of the 60’s saw America go from being a theistic country to an atheistic country, due in large part to the work of both socialism and humanism.              So, what is the point of this here in the subject of brain storming?  To be followed by the question, how did these movements move and become so influential to the point of revolution and the death of so many?  It all started with men and women getting together to brain storm, share ideas, philosophy and then develop an agenda which they were able to see fulfilled in the course of time.  To start a movement of any kind, it begins with a nucleus of those who follow the writings and tenants of a man or group of men and women who formulate their ideas into a written form or manifesto and then build from there.              

     The advantage of biblical Christianity is that it already has a written document and a key person to follow along with the document.  Of course, the Bible is the document and the person is the God/man our Lord Jesus Christ. It already has a group of people assembled for the purpose of advancing the cause of Christ, the Church.  The hard work has been done, now is left the command of our Lord to make disciples of the nations.  This country of the United States began as a “Christian” country but during the decade of the 60’s it became a postmodern and a post-Christian nation, it is now a secular humanist nation fast becoming a socialist nation to become a communist nation.  It is time to make America Christian again.            

       Since the decade of the 60’s the Church has been noticeably absent from the public dialogue and debate.  Biblical Christianity has been moved out of the market place of ideas into a corner of being tolerated on Sunday morning only, with nothing to say to this country, much less the world.  Today’s believers are confronted with an all-important question, what are we to do?  Many argue that there is nothing that can be done, we are living in the last days and evil will increase until the end, at the rapture.  I am here to argue that we continue to make war and advance the cause of Christ through the preaching of the gospel until the end.  To do that we need to re-enter the market place of ideas and debate and to do that we need believers to get together and brain storm how this can be accomplished.  Interested? See what we have on this web site, pray about it and let me know in response to this blog or by email in the contact form.

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